Empower Your Business For Success: When to Outsource to an OBM

Professional business woman wearing, holding a glass of white wine, smiling but feeling very overwhelmed with the text "kill me now"

Hey there, savvy CEO! If you run a service based business, you know that building and growing your business is no small feat. The daily demands of strategy, operations, and team management can sometimes be overwhelming. But what if I told you there's a secret weapon that can transform your business? That secret weapon would be an Online Business Manager (OBM).

Timing is key with outsourcing any part of your business, so let’s identify the signs that indicate it's time to bring an OBM on board to help you streamline your business and get your systems and processes running like a well oiled machine (and more).

Strategic focus blocked by operational overload:
As a business owner, your strategic vision is like the guiding star that sets you on the path to success. However, when you find yourself drowning in operational tasks, such as day-to-day management, working out which tech is best suited for what you need, and client work, your time and energy are drained away from strategic growth. If you feel like you're stuck in the operational trenches, it's a clear indicator that an OBM can help you offload those tasks, freeing up your time to focus on high-level strategy and business development.

Streamlining systems and processes for efficiency:
Efficiency is the secret sauce that keeps a thriving business running like a well-oiled machine. If you notice that your systems and processes are causing bottlenecks, inconsistencies, or wasted effort, it's time to call in an OBM. They have the expertise to analyse your current workflows, identify gaps and redundancies, and implement streamlined systems. From creating Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to integrating project management tools, an OBM can help you establish efficient processes that drive productivity and growth.

Implementing a robust CRM system
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) plays an important role in nurturing client relationships and facilitating smooth communication within your business. If you find yourself struggling to manage enquiries, tracking new leads, and client interactions, it's a clear indication that you need a reliable CRM system in place. An OBM can be your trusted advisor in selecting and implementing the perfect CRM platform for your business, and if you're a fan of ActiveCampaign, they can guide you through utilising its power with automation. With ActiveCampaign or your preferred CRM, you can efficiently manage leads, track customer interactions, and elevate the overall client experience (not sponsored, just truly love ActiveCampaign).

Project Management made simple
As your business grows, juggling multiple projects simultaneously can be super challenging. If you find yourself struggling to keep projects on track and meet deadlines, it's a good indication that an OBM can step in as your project manager. They bring expertise in project planning, task delegation, and timeline management, ensuring that your projects run smoothly from start to finish, freeing you up to focus working on growing the business.

Understanding the right time to bring an OBM into your business is an empowering step toward unlocking your business’s true potential. When your strategic focus is blurred by the overwhelm of business operations, optimising your systems and processes, the research and implementation of the right CRM etc, an OBM is the missing piece to the puzzle. Embrace the opportunity to delegate, streamline and level up your business with an expert who is not only your business cheerleader but who wants to create a sustainable and successful business with you that reflects your vision and values.

If you’re ready to take the leap and bring an OBM onboard, get in touch with me to see if we are a good fit!


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