How I can be your second pair of eyes
Let's be honest. How often do you check that your business contact info is 100% up to date? A number of times I have come across a business and their contact details such as phone number and email address are incorrect.
I've spotted a missing digit from their telephone number or a missing letter from their email address. Sometimes links to websites have had an extra "w" at the beginning which will take your next client to the web of nowhere... not exactly ideal is it?
The other error I see A LOT is a business' physical location. If your business relocates you would automatically think to update this is on your website, right? And then you'd go about your day... But did you remember to update it on your Google My Business account, or your instagram account? What about your letter head templates? Forgot those didn't you. You're not alone either.
The number of businesses I have personally reached out to about their missing or incorrect contact info that required updating is surprisingly high.
Humans are impatient, and us Aussies are actually the worst when it comes to patience. I recently listened to a podcast where Uber had conducted a survey on the waiting time for an Uber to arrive and if the waiting time was longer than 3 minutes, most Australian’s would literally cancel the Uber and then request a new driver to see if they could get someone faster.
3 minutes. That’s how long we are not willing to wait. That’s insane!
If we can’t wait 3 minutes for a driver, who’s to say that your next potential client is going to be patient enough to hunt for your contact information? If i'm honest, they won't. They are just going to go straight to one of your direct competitors who’s contact details are all up to date. Everywhere. Because they have that second pair of eyes looking out for them.
SO! Here are my 7 big tips on making sure all your contact information is correct and up to date:
Check your email signature and any hyperlinks that you have. Always check that your links work too
Check your website's contact info page and make sure everything is up to date
Check your social media platforms (LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, etc.) and make sure your mobile number, email address, location etc is all up to date
If you’re on Google My Business, check there too - this is one of the biggest areas I see least up to date
If you’re old school like me, check your business cards too. Not everything is about digital media and you don’t want your business cards to be out of date for your next networking event!
Check your templates (letterhead, memo, invoices etc.). These can be easily forgotten about as they aren’t generally used on a daily basis
Ensure your company registries have your up to date information as well (bank, insurances, ABN/ACN etc.)
Of course, if this is something you would rather leave to someone a smidge more organised with more time on their hands (like me), drop me a line!